Friday, February 1, 2008

Taliban and other terrorist againts Haraza people

Dear friend these is some photoes of Taliban and other terrorist who act unhumanly againts hazara people.when Taliban occupied Mazar Sharif city in ther north Afghanistan,they killed thousand of innocent Hazara in ther street.according to when taliban come on the first day the people of Mazar Sharif was on the road and they all fired to the people and they have killed thousand of poeple on the road and the second and third day they used the other Pushton who were supporter of Gulbadin Hikmat yar to show the Hazara house in Mazar Sharif and they helped the Taliban and show the Hazara houses on their.they have killed many many innocent people and they put some of them in the cantainer and carry with them in Lily desert which many people lost thier live on the way,from 300 hundred people only 3 people were alive and they were injured.After that they Taliban stared searching in Hazara houses and take them all to lILY desert which they put them in the hole and put soal on them while they were alive.The head of Taliban mullah Omer said killing the Hazaras are not crime and they and taking their womans as slave is not acrime too.Taliban were announced on the street that Hazara people have 3 ways if they want us not to behave like them like a donky and dog they must chang their relion to and Sunny which they are a terrorist.2 or they must live Afghanistan.3 or they will be killed. that is all the genocide that Taliban did in Afghanistan.

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