Sunday, January 20, 2008

what is the different between the Taliban and karzai Government

It very shameful for karzai Government that they wanted to reduce the nuber of school in Ghazni province in an area called jaghori. According to and jaghori education minister they Karzai government want to reduce the number school from 70 to 30 school which make alot of problems in all jaghori areas mostly in the areas that are far away from the center sang-e-mashah. jaghori currently have 70 schools and they are including 30 high schools and the rest of them are meddle and primary. unfortunately the Karzai government wanted to reduce the number of school because the Ghazni province education minister is pashtun which he is racist with the innocent people of Hazara whom they were suffered during 300 years and they were turtured and thier land were ocuupaid by the dictator Abur rahman khan who have killed thousand of innocent hazara people and made alot of people to live thier house, thier land and the place of thier parents, which they have more than 1000 years of history in Afghanistan. The idea is about that when the Taliban went the terrorest are still here in Afghanistan and we just the name of the refime and nothing has been changed.My question is that what is the different between Karzai government and his terrorist brother mullah Omer and his gust Osam Bin Laden they banned schools by force unfortunatly the karzai government banned it legallywithout andy reason.Dispite the racist government jaghori who they are the center of educations and they want to learn the government want reduce the schools and in the pashtun areas, which most people are terrorist supporters they build new schools and haspitals and make new building and everything are thier but not in jaghori because we are not supporter of terrorist and not planting opium and always try hard to do our best to bring democracy and build our country thanks

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